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Carl Boniface
14 de nov. de 20233 min de leitura
Easy Money
Today’s blog is for those people who want to earn easy money in the unfair country we live in. The rich get richer, and the poor get...
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Carl Boniface
6 de nov. de 20232 min de leitura
Salary Potential
Nothing is totally fair in life, but get used to it if you stay in interest mode. Potentially a reasonable salary is achievable. In other...
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Carl Boniface
3 de out. de 20232 min de leitura
Bitcoin Madness
Bitcoin shares have outperformed all shares in 2023 was on a lift advert while going to the gym in my flat complex. I could not believe...
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Carl Boniface
29 de ago. de 20232 min de leitura
Crypto Believers
If you have ever made money buying and selling cryptocurrency congratulations! More people have lost their hard-earned cash, and many who...
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Carl Boniface
24 de jul. de 20232 min de leitura
Do You Think He Cares!
King Charles, royal family's public funding rate was cut by more than half due to $1.3 billion wind farm profits on his lands. King...
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Carl Boniface
20 de jun. de 20232 min de leitura
Bitcoin Magic
Watched a YouTube channel of a heavily invested cryptocurrency, ex financial bank trader, literally condemning the banks for fraud and...
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Carl Boniface
17 de mai. de 20232 min de leitura
Development Aid
Currently the world is facing atrocities while poverty is on the rise due to worldwide conflicts, opposing opinions and failing...
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Carl Boniface
16 de mai. de 20236 min de leitura
Legal Theft
One of my students insulted my intelligence by saying I think like Brazil’s president Lula who doesn’t understand how measurements are...
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Carl Boniface
11 de mai. de 20232 min de leitura
National Growth
National growth is known as GDP which stands for Growth Domestic Product and has become widely used as a reference point for the health...
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Carl Boniface
8 de mai. de 20233 min de leitura
Credit Card Scam
Credit cards are useful financial instruments used to pay for purchased items such as goods and services whether face-2-face or online....
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Carl Boniface
18 de abr. de 20233 min de leitura
$33 billion win
Meta Platforms, the billionaire's social media empire, has been a Wall Street star since the start of the year. As the years go by...
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Carl Boniface
11 de abr. de 20233 min de leitura
Lula’s First 100 Days
After 100 days of government, Brazil’s new president Lula da Silva attacks Bolsonaro and says that his predecessor tried to spread...
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Carl Boniface
30 de mar. de 20234 min de leitura
Economic Misconception
The world is full of muppets who aspire to puppet movements. In other words, others control the outcome by pulling the strings up and...
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Carl Boniface
21 de mar. de 20233 min de leitura
Bullshit Artist
Conning is a term used to trick others into seeing things from a beneficial perspective. The prospective seems too good to believe, so...
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Carl Boniface
13 de mar. de 20233 min de leitura
Bitcoin Blindness
Next generation, cutting edge technology is leaps and bounds ahead of those who choose to hide behind traditional thinking and...
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Carl Boniface
1 de mar. de 20233 min de leitura
Political Feuds & Privatization
Maggie Thatcher believed in privatization to make Britain stronger in the 1980s. She privatized 40 UK state-owned businesses employing...
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Carl Boniface
13 de dez. de 20222 min de leitura
£ Growth 2023
NatWest bank forecasts show pound sterling better supported against Euro and Dollar in 2023. Though its near multi-decade lows and the...
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Carl Boniface
30 de nov. de 20223 min de leitura
Autopilot Leader
Top entrepreneurs aren’t born that way, but rather aspire to greatness coupled to hard work, as in the case of Mark Zuckerberg who...
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Carl Boniface
25 de nov. de 20221 min de leitura
Understanding Crypto
One woman who knows what she is talking about is Hilary Allen who has recently written about cryptocurrency for the International...
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Carl Boniface
24 de nov. de 20222 min de leitura
Turn of Tide
I hate to say I told you so, but then I couldn’t get my head around how illegitimate digital currency could force its way into the...
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