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Carl Boniface
18 de fev.1 min de leitura
Save Mankind
Article about saving mankind in a world torn between right and wrong.
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Carl Boniface
16 de set. de 20244 min de leitura
Palestinian State
Latest article to support Israel in its quest to live in peace.
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Carl Boniface
13 de set. de 20242 min de leitura
Man on a Mission
Article that tells a tale about a man on a mission, to be successful.
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Carl Boniface
12 de ago. de 20244 min de leitura
The Beauty of Israel
Article about the multiethnic community in a peace loving country that offers fantastic touristic attractions.
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Carl Boniface
6 de ago. de 20242 min de leitura
London Taken Over
Article about England being invaded by Islamist fanatics who want to take over Britain.
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Carl Boniface
29 de jul. de 20244 min de leitura
Politician Let Down
Article about the discontent of extreme Islamist's settlement in Great Britain. The United Kingdom is rising to challenge them.
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Carl Boniface
29 de abr. de 20244 min de leitura
British Landmark Mocked
Descriptive blog that shows where British culture is going due to migrant invasion and England's leaders turning a blind eye.
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Carl Boniface
26 de fev. de 20243 min de leitura
Netherlands Immigrants Calamity
Europe under siege from argumentative migrants who bring their country’s politics into street fights, causing injured police in the...
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Carl Boniface
29 de jan. de 20243 min de leitura
Muslim Takeover
Unprecedented gang crime in Stockholm Sweden is ten times worse than London England. Refugee background has meant massive unemployment...
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Carl Boniface
13 de nov. de 20235 min de leitura
Animal Instincts
Wild animals have the innate ability to hunt. They have to fend for themselves, unless they are pets, and then carers cater for their...
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Carl Boniface
20 de jul. de 20232 min de leitura
UK Energy Outrage
The global energy crisis has emerged as one of the key disruptors of the past two years, leaving individuals and businesses facing...
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Carl Boniface
13 de jul. de 20233 min de leitura
Slavery is a terrible crime. However, today it doesn’t exist in any official capacity, although from time to time we hear stories of how...
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Carl Boniface
8 de jun. de 20232 min de leitura
Death Vans
Sad but true, vans were used by the Nazis to murder Jews and other prisoners through asphyxiation by carbon monoxide. About 700,000...
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Carl Boniface
30 de mai. de 20232 min de leitura
Venezuela’s Maduro
Nicolas Maduro and Lula greet each other after a joint press conference at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia on May 29, 2023; a cause of...
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