Life in the fast lane, doesn’t necessarily mean running around and getting worn-out. However, eating a balanced diet is required to get the most out. Easily prepared food of high standard facilitates lifestyle. As a European my culture encouraged eating chicken as part of a staple diet.

I’ve been eating chicken for years. The thing that I never realized is that poultry is injected with antibiotics which is a medicine (such as penicillin or its derivatives) that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms. However, given to chickens which is quite common it’s used to increase their size, or ward against disease.
Antibiotics have been given to farm animals since the 1940s to prevent disease and help the animals grow fatter, faster. Today, more than 80% of the antibiotics sold in the United States are used on farm animals. In early 2017 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the use of human antibiotics for the sole purpose of growth promotion in animals and now requires farmers to get a veterinarian’s prescription to use them.
While that may seem like progress, there’s a loophole: As long as the farmers justify their use as “disease prevention” rather than “growth production,” they can continue to use antibiotics — regardless of whether or not the animals appear ill or show symptoms of disease. Still, there’s a growing health demand for poultry raised without antibiotics.

Lately, I have been cooking enough Indian curry with chicken and preparing a range of Tupperware to store food that will last as long as a week in the fridge. It serves my palate at least one meal a day.
To be honest, I had never thought about how chickens were raised. Then during my shopping for foods came across frozen whole chickens from a reputable brand whereby it stated on the wrappings that no antibiotics were used in the chickens’ diets.
For the last few weeks, I ‘ve been consuming chicken almost daily without antibiotics. My body is conditioned from years of training and being sensitive to what I consume, so my body has been quick to change. I could literally feel the difference as less toxins were apparent.
When your body is eliminating toxins, you will feel it. While the toxins circulate in your bloodstream, you will feel their poison and experience different detox symptoms.
Here are a few benefits associated with less toxins: no irritability, more relaxed from tightness associated with body tension (pain), also eating anxiety reduced (less need to over eat), and less diarrhea and fatigue, so all good news as far as I am concerned!
We all eat to fulfill our energy needs and training habits with the occasional treat of fast-food, or sugar based naughty food which is alright. Whatever, your diet, if you consume chicken then look out for healthy options.
Since making this adjustment to my consumption the benefit has been remarkable!
Have a wonderful day!
Prof. Carl Boniface
Vocabulary builder:
Staple (adj) = main, chief, principal, essential, primary, indispensable, basic, fundamental, core, key
Tupperware (n) = a range of plastic containers used for storing food. "A Tupperware bowl is for storing food."
Palate (n) = appreciation, taste, appetite, enjoyment, liking (ant) dislike