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Coffee Shop Conversation

Foto do escritor: Carl BonifaceCarl Boniface

Dear reader! How are you?

Today’s short blog is the basis (beginning) to a good conversation.

Two people in a coffee shop on a Friday morning. A gentleman(man) sitting on a chair facing the window to the high street. A waitress delivers his cappuccino:

Man: “Thank you so much!”

Waitress: “You’re welcome!”

A lady(woman) sitting in front of him on another table caught his attention. She had almost finished her expresso and was about to eat a chocolate biscuit.

Man: “Hello there! Good morning!”

Woman: “Good morning”

Man: “How are you?”

Woman: “Fine thanks!”

Man: “Isn’t the weather(it) pleasant this morning? I’m going to have lunch along the river embankment.” The gentleman paused, and then continued, “There they have an outdoor terrace to eat on that has wonderful views across the river.”

Woman: “That’s a plan. It sounds very nice. Enjoy!”

Man: “If you are available, you would be more than welcome to join me. My treat obviously!”

The lady smiled, but didn’t reply. She needed to chew over his invitation.

She thought about it, but not knowing the man led her to not taking his invitation very seriously.

In the end, she got up without responding, and left the premises.

Take care!

Prof. Carl Boniface


Vocabulary builder:

A cappuccino is a coffee drink made with espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam:

  • Espresso: A strong coffee made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans

  • Steamed milk: Creates a smooth, creamy texture

  • Milk foam: A thick, frothy layer that insulates the drink and keeps it warm 

       Cappuccinos are typically made with equal parts of each component, resulting in a balanced, smooth, and creamy taste. The milk is not mixed into the espresso, which gives the espresso a stronger flavor. A cappuccino is often finished with a sprinkle of cinnamon or cocoa powder. 

       The word "cappuccino" comes from the Italian word "capuchin" and refers to the hooded surface of the drink, which is similar to the hoods worn by Capuchin Friars. Cappuccinos were introduced to America in the 1980s. 

       The definition of a cappuccino can vary across the globe and from coffee shop to coffee shop. Different interpretations can lead to different flavors, textures, and experiences.

Along (adv) = alongside, by, near, lengthways, beside, laterally, end to end, (ant) endways. ao longo de

River embankment (n) = A river embankment is a raised structure, usually made of earth or gravel, that is built to prevent flooding or redirect the flow of a river. Synonyms of embankment include bank, ridge, mound, and causeway. barragem do rio

Chew over (phrasal verb) verb + preposition. Chew means to masticate, gnaw, grind, crush, chomp.     Whereas, together “chew over” means to ponder, think about, ruminate, consider, mull over, deliberate, contemplate, meditate, weigh up. refletir sobre

Led (v) = is the past of lead. (syn) ran, run, controlled, commanded, directed, managed, headed, steered, be in charge of, guided. liderou 

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