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Enough is Enough

Foto do escritor: Carl BonifaceCarl Boniface

A British marine was murdered at the hands of a Serbian asylum seeker who apparently previously murdered back in his own country (and had a warrant for his arrest), took five years off his life to come into Britain as a 14-year-old. You couldn’t make it up if you wanted, as England is letting undocumented lunatics in without any research into their background.

In other words, the home office didn’t take the necessary due diligence whereby this applicant was given the benefit of doubt! This isn’t an isolated case, as there are other tragic stories to tell. Yes, many asylum seekers genuinely need English support, but the problem being numbers have escalated excessively, and nowadays the authorities have let down their guard to allow in too many migrants; in fact, they all get in.

Below I suggest seeing a video that gives more information about how Britain is suffering, the Governments incompetence to sort out the problem, and how all generations of Brits are made to feel. It is much worse than when American citizen, George Floyd was kneed to death by a policeman and died from lack of oxygen in May 2020, and BLM riots ricocheted all around the world.

At that time the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement which in Britain is a bit of a joke considering slavery was abolished in 1834 demonstrated wholeheartedly and tore up monuments of British history. Some involved have a chip on their shoulder and blame the rest of society. I really don’t see how the death of one person who was killed by one cop has to become an international affair.

British people today are not responsible for colonizing 50 African countries in the late 1800s. Anyone could blame the Roman Empire for dislodging Jews from Judea in the Middle East, or the Macedonian prince, Alexandre the Great for conquering Greece, Asia Minor, and all the lands from Greece to India, or for that matter Genghis Khan who founded the Mongol Empire and stretching it from China to Eastern Europe.


Acceptance and letting go is the best remedy to break out of this feeling sorry for yourself status that ends up cutting into your very being. Our lifespans are short enough, so enough is enough if you want to promote success in this life. Yes, real problems need to be sorted out and mass immigration to the UK really is a problem that the authorities are not taking seriously. Keir Starmer, the UK’s Prime-Minister needs to do better!


Incidentally, the first of Britain's African colonies to be granted independence was Sudan, then Ghana in 1957. By 1980, all of Great Britain's colonies on the African continent were independent. Hardly a racist movement as Britain is the first to welcome African refugees who have really been victimized and seek a fair while balanced lifestyle where they integrate into society and bring value to the country.

Sorry about that, as I’m losing track from the theme which is British people wanting to stop mass immigration, and vet out imposters.

Take care!

Prof. Carl Boniface

Video on British Marine murderer:

Vocabulary builder:

Due diligence (adj) = can be as simple as just asking the proper questions and making sure that a situation is “not too good to be true.” In business circumstances it refers to organizations practicing prudence by carefully assessing associated costs and risks prior to completing transactions. Examples include purchasing new property or equipment, implementing new business information systems, or integrating with another firm.

Ricocheted (v) = recoiled, rebounded, reflected, reverberated, echoed, glance off, bounce off

A chip on their shoulder (idiom) = to have an angry or unpleasant attitude or way of behaving caused by a belief that one has been treated unfairly in the past. He has had a chip on his shoulder ever since he didn't get the promotion he was expecting.

Vet (v) = scrutinize, check, assess, examine (n) veterinarian, veteran

Vet out (v) means to examine or investigate something or someone carefully to ensure that it or they are acceptable or suitable.

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