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Foto do escritorCarl Boniface

Following your Instincts

There is a lot to be said about protocol. Using logical sequences have literally been practiced for years. Those who have stuck to their guns and followed them usually find they are effective and efficient, until there are mitigating circumstances, or a greater force that inhibits the achievement of results.

Whether it is a court case, you are a prosecutor and a criminal is being tried, or you are in the process of buying a secondhand residential apartment and someone else is trying to outbid you for the same property, or you are in a traffic jam and the driver behind you is clinging to your rear, then you have to make a decision. Clearly, in the case of the traffic jam you would like to smash the other driver’s face in, but your gut is saying calm down.

You can follow the rules, use good form, use etiquette, or code of behavior. However, once you have worldly knowledge and experience your gut feelings might add light to your situation, and you may react instinctively.

Some say that following your instincts, or intuition, can be a valuable tool for making good decisions. Here are some reasons why: 

  • Intuition is a fast, automatic process: Research shows that intuition is a subconscious process that can provide useful information that deliberate analyzing can't. 

  • Intuition can help you make better decisions: Intuition can help you make decisions faster and with more confidence. 

  • Intuition can help you stay true to yourself: Following your instincts can help you stay true to yourself and direct you toward the best path for you. 


However, intuition is not infallible, and you should be careful not to attribute random events to it. Here are some tips for trusting your intuition: 

  • Practice: The more you practice listening to your intuition, the more accurate it will become. 

  • Tune in to your body: Pay attention to the slightest changes in your responses. 

  • Trust your intuition in familiar contexts: Intuition should only be trusted in familiar and predictable contexts. 

  • Train your emotional intelligence: You can improve your intuition by getting in touch with your emotions more generally.


You can trust your intuition in situations like:

  • When it comes to your safety

  • When your body sends you signals about your health

  • When you think something is off in a relationship

  • When you doubt your abilities

The bottom line is guts feelings can help you determine your destiny. They are based on your lifespan and everything you have experienced and endured. At the end of the day, your instinctive flare could be the key to your success.

Take care!

Prof. Carl Boniface


Vocabulary meaning:

Mitigating circumstances (n) = is a factor that lessens the severity of an act or the actor's culpability for the action. Mitigating circumstances can be found in both criminal and civil cases and may be used to justify a reduction in the severity of the punishment or damages. circunstâncias atenuantes

Outbid (v) = outspend, outdo, overpay, offer more than, leave standing, up the ante (bet/wager/payment) superado

Infallible (adj) = dependable, unfailing, foolproof, watertight, reliable, sound, failsafe, surefire, trustworthy, steady

Endured (v) = tolerated, suffered, underwent, undergone, stomached, withstood suportou 

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