You must have something on your mind that you have been meaning to do for quite a long time, but never seem to get around to it. How about making it your New Year’s resolution?

Some people write a list of their wishes as resolutions for the New Year. Unfortunately, few carry them out. I suppose when they conjured them up, they had the urge to imagine it would be easy. However, it’s a completely different ball game going from an idea to actually making it a reality. I know because I’ve been there!
You can’t be bothered to sacrifice your cushy lifestyle is the most common excuse. You know, comfortable to carry on living your life not improving it or getting what you might and most probably deserve. Sticking to the Status Quo you’ve been living for years!
On the other hand, you could make a single resolution you will stick at whatever hurdles you have to overcome. Pluck your string, and make the music you love so much! Focus on the resolution lock, stock and barrel, so that, that one resolution becomes a reality; a thing that will change you for the better.
One way I found was taking cold showers instead of hot. It sounds pretty crazy, and for most people it is. For me it helped! That cold shower woke me up, it got me thinking, and then I discovered it stimulates the body to increase blood flow circulation. “Increasing circulation redistributes blood and delivers freshly oxygenated blood to areas of the body that need to recover.”
Just one thing can make all the difference to help reposition yourself while discovering that change could be the key factor to getting you on your way towards a new and better you!
All the best,
Prof. Carl Boniface
Vocabulary builder:
A completely different ball game (idiom) = a completely different situation, often one that is difficult or that you know little about: We'd done a lot of climbing in Scotland but the Himalayas were a whole new ballgame. Different and difference. altered.
Cushy (adj) = easy, comfortable, cozy, agreeable, pleasant, (ant) difficult
Status Quo (n) = current situation, existing state of affairs, present circumstances, how things stand
lock, stock and barrel (idiom) = is a merism used predominantly in the United Kingdom and North America, meaning "all", "total" or "everything". Merism = is a rhetorical device (or figure of speech) in which a combination of two contrasting parts of the whole refer to the whole.
