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Not Caring

There comes a time when you have been proven wrong, time and time again, when you get to the point of no return, and you don’t care anymore. When that time comes you will find you become true to yourself, and don’t give a shite!

Most of us work for a living. Few can sit back and not bother; that complacency can have several negative impacts on daily life. However, we sometimes like to kid ourselves that we don’t care when in reality, of course we do.

If you sell for a living then no sales equals no commission. The best way to get sales results once you are a qualified salesman is to knock on enough doors to find prospects, and then sell to them. Working on the law of averages eventually you will come across buyers of your product or service that believe that what you have to offer is a good fit and literally accept your idea. This process is logical deduction!

As stated by Sherlock Holmes, it’s an elementary deduction dear Watson!” In The Sign of Four, Sherlock Holmes states that three qualities are necessary for the ideal detective: “observation, deduction and knowledge.” Clearly, as a young man exposed to weekly Sherlock Holmes TV series his theory marked me as the obvious!

Deductive reasoning is a logical approach where you progress from general ideas to specific conclusions. It's often contrasted with inductive reasoning, where you start with specific observations and form general conclusions. Deductive reasoning is also called deductive logic or top-down reasoning.

Now I don’t profess to being an expert, as so many people strive to be in today’s society. You know what I mean, everyone seems to have all the answers. That comes down to being mother coddled i.e., when children get given whatever they want, and the child ends up spoilt; has to have everything their way. That is the beginning to the end!

This isn’t to be confused with not caring because that is a whole other matter. You might have said it more than once, as you have not got the result you want. Not caring then is a form of acceptance because if you receive a lot of rejection then by saying you don’t care you have got to the point that another no is expected.

This attitude helps people overcome fear from life’s negative outcomes. In other words, by not expecting everyone to say yes, you will be more relaxed and come off more seasoned.

Literally, you don’t care when someone lets you down. It helps you realize how much better you are than them. In fact, you have to feel sorry for them!  

Have a great day!

Prof. Carl Boniface    


Vocabulary builder:

Shite (n) = English vulgar term for shit.

Kid (v) to tease, joke or (n) child, youngster, toddler

Inductive (adj) = 1. characterized by the inference of general laws from particular instances. "Instinct rather than inductive reasoning marked her approach to life." 2. relating to or caused by electric or magnetic induction.

Mother coddled (idiom) = means that a mother treated her child too kindly or protected them too much. The word "coddle" has a negative connotation and is synonymous with overprotective parenting. To coddle (v) = treat in an indulgent or overprotective way. Or cook (an egg) in water below boiling point. "You may have your eggs scrambled, poached, coddled, or boiled."

Seasoned (adj) = experienced, veteran, hardened, tested, weathered, expert, versed in, well up on, (ant) unexperienced, inexperienced

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