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Foto do escritorCarl Boniface

Simplistic Perception

I’ve always thought of myself as a straightforward, practical, predictable, honest and fair, reliable, and even helpful person just trying to make ends meet in this intense amazingly populated world. Alas the world has many faces torn between honesty, fairness, unpredictableness, etc.   

Simplistic perception is a term that describes the idea of treating a problem or subject in a way that is excessively simple or simplified, often to the point of being misleading. The majority of people may share this value, as it provides a straightforward approach to life and therefore, one might envisage a perfect society where everyone gets along in harmony, respecting one another to grow enthusiastically.  

In psychology and cognitive sciences, perception is the process of organizing, identifying, and interpreting sensory information to understand the environment. This process involves collecting data from the sense organs and interpreting it in the brain. 

The simplicity principle in perception and cognition, also known as Occam's razor, is the idea that simpler explanations of observations are to be preferred to more complex ones.

This has nothing to do with growth, as growth is relative to ambition and desire coupled to dynamics.

However, such as nature which throws unforeseen predicaments in our face, there are varying degrees of unpredictable people who aren’t straightforward, and seem to follow natures unpredictability.

Simplistically seen, they are unreliable and uncooperative like hungry wild animals about to prey off the weak.

As they seem unrespectful and I’ve always found unhelpful, it amazes me how they miss the common ground inasmuch as they are often greedy, ruthless, and uncaring.


Take care!

Prof. Carl Boniface


Vocabulary builder:

Unpredictableness (n) not able to be known or declared in advance. It is the quality of doing things in a way that is irregular and cannot be predictedIt is the opposite of predictability, which describes the quality of doing things in a regular way. (syn) uncertain, variable, fitful, erratic, untrustworthy, undependable, hit-or-miss, stray, and irregular.

Unforeseen (adj) = unexpected, unanticipated, unpredicted, surprising, startling, astonishing, sudden, out of the blue

Inasmuch as (conj) = in the degree that, in view of the fact, insofar as, since. Used to introduce a phrase that explains why or how much something described in another part of the sentence is true: “Inasmuch as you are their commanding officer, you are responsible for the behavior of these men.” or “John is hungry, inasmuch as he hasn’t eaten since yesterday.”

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