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Space Technology & The Future

Foto do escritor: Carl BonifaceCarl Boniface

Space technology includes the development and use of technology in space, such as spacecraft, satellites, and launch vehicles. It also includes ground-based systems for processing and receiving data. 

Spacecraft technologies 

  • Propulsion: Systems to power spacecraft and get them to their destinations

  • Communication: Systems to allow communication between spacecraft and Earth

  • Navigation: Systems to help spacecraft find their way around

  • Radiation protection: Systems to protect the crew and spacecraft from radiation

  • Life support: Systems to allow the crew to live and breathe

  • Thermal management: Systems to control heat and keep the spacecraft cool

Space-based technologies

  • Satellites: Objects placed into orbit around the Earth 

  • Space stations: Orbital stations that can be used for research and other purposes 

  • Telescopes: Instruments used to observe space, such as the Kepler telescope, which found thousands of planets outside our solar system 

Other space technologies 

  • Computers used for spacecraft design, simulation, and mission control

  • Robotics, such as the Remote Manipulator System on the International Space Station

  • Solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity

  • Radiators to remove excess heat

There are studies out there that present the future prospects in the space industry, for space market participants and non-space market participants.

The analysis covers major segments across upstream, midstream and downstream, capturing 50+ megatrends where each megatrend is analyzed to identify future predictions, related technological evolutions that will lead the industry to those future states and the consequent growth opportunities for space and non-space market participants.

The study also presents future scenarios and recent developments across the segments while capturing the key market participants involved in each market segment.

One particular study has covered over 650 space and non-space market participants to boil down the ongoing developments to future predictions to further define the demand they will create for various products and services. The cost for this resource is US$4,950.00, so isn’t much of an option for students.

Specific focus on space colonization, militarization and in-space economy has been given within this study. If you are someone who wants to look into the future of space to identify opportunities to allocate resources against, this comprehensive study will be a great place to begin before you proceed for further deep dive investigations.

Key questions the study will answer are:

  • What are the major opportunity areas in space industry and when will they materialize?

  • Who are the key disruptors/fast-movers in the space industry and how are they leading over their peers?

  • What are key technological evolutions where startups can contribute?

  • What are the key startups that can be valuable acquisition targets for established incumbents?

  • What will drive manned deep space missions to evolve into human settlement? What will be the key developments needed for the space industry to progress to that point?

  • How will space militarization create opportunities for space market participants?

  • What are the opportunity areas within the scope of in-space economy?


Though this particular study must be enlightening, there are other ways specific areas of the space technology market.

Without further ado, to summarize potential for careers in the space market there are limited opportunities in Brazil today while we should see expansion opportunities in the future as the market expands, and prospects for future generations.

The Brazilian Space Agency, the central body of the National System for the Development of Space Activities (SINDAE), is an autarchy linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), responsible for coordinating and executing the Brazilian Space Policy.

Take care,

Prof. Carl Boniface


Vocabulary builder:

Incumbents (n) = officials, officeholders, occupants, appointees, officers, executives

Enlightening (adj) = informative, instructive, helpful, educational, educative, edifying, illuminating, clarifying, (ant) uninformative

Without further ado (idiom) = without any fuss or delay; immediately.

"Without further ado he hurried down the steps."

Autarchy (n) = autocracy, despotism, absolutism, tyranny, dictatorship. Absolute power, (ant) democracy

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