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Foto do escritorCarl Boniface

Terrorist Mind

Your mind is the greatest terrorist in life. “When I was reading yesterday, this just hit me differently. I was like damn, my mind is truly what holds me back, convinced me not to try something, told me that I couldn’t do something or that my idea was unrealistic. Let’s break the chains of our minds.”

Coming across one of my Facebook contacts who had written this it got me thinking, is this guy for real, I mean do people really need to be reminded?

For some people it is very real. They masticate over stuff, but often lack the courage to move forward, turn the page, and take action.

Think about that for a moment. You might think, well wouldn’t it be nice to have a new car. Then you start thinking that you don’t have enough cash and don’t want to borrow money from a bank because of such high interest rates.

I get it. Is it worth the effort to make it happen. Perhaps that is the crunch, but then there are other factors that enter the equation, like taking away funds from other issues that need to be addressed, or even bills that need to be paid. My view is to save until you have enough to pay cash.

The feeling of buying a new toy with readily available funds is fulfilling because you’ve worked hard to get the money, and therefore the satisfaction is stimulating to say the least.

Let us imagine developing your own business. You come up with an idea and have studied potential outcome. You are convinced it will work. In fact, you are absolutely sure it will provide the long-term lifestyle you so much desire like having a beautiful home and being able to provide everything your wife and children need, posh cars, expensive holidays, and lifestyle.

Let’s face it we all want that comfortable position to take complete control and not have to worry about those little issues. You think, “If only I could succeed and become successful!”

It is easy to think about, but then comes doubt. What if it doesn’t come together? What if you overspend, and become bankrupt? There are many aspects that could go wrong. However, this defines a negative attitude. How about if you think positively that whatever hurdle you encounter, you will find a way to overcome it.

Confidence is so important in life, so if you feel fearful of a challenge and hesitate it is a natural feeling. Let’s face it, if you have a job, and it offers security, then why take the risk required and effort needed.

I get it. It takes real guts to take on the challenge. Clearly, there is risk. Everything carries consequences, so careful consideration needs to be made. Convincing yourself that you have what it takes then is the answer.

A terrorist mind needs to be had to be able go outside your comfort zone which means iron-willed mindset; someone strong enough emotionally to give it everything they have got because that is what it takes to be successful. Having the mindset of a warrior then is the obvious answer.

Take care!

Pro. Carl Boniface

Claim what you deserve:

Vocabulary builder:

Masticate (v) = chew, munch, crunch, chomp, grind, pulverize, gnaw, eat

Let’s face it (idiom) = used to say that something is true and cannot be denied. Face it, a lot of people don't even bother to vote. Let's face it, most of us don't get enough exercise. let's face it.

Confidence (n) = sureness, self-assurance, poise, buoyancy, coolness, (ant) timidity. The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. "We had every confidence in the staff." The state of feeling certain about the truth of something. "It is not possible to say with confidence how much of the increase in sea levels is due to melting glaciers." A feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities. "She's brimming with confidence."

Guts (n) = braveries, willpowers, resolves, courage, strength of character, daring, willpower, (ant) cowardice  

iron-willed (adj) = strong-willed, resolute, determined, strongminded, unbending, inflexible forceful 

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